Buyer's Guide
Emerald has many special qualities, but colored stone professionals generally agree that emeralds are most of all, about color. Subtle variations make significant differences in value.
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Verify the information on your report matches what is archived in the GIA report database.
What To Look For
Clarity Refers To The Inclusions
Emeralds typically contain inclusions that are visible to the unaided eye. Because of this, trade members and some consumers understand and accept the presence of inclusions in emeralds. Eye-clean emeralds are especially valuable because they’re so rare.

Carat Weight Allows For Precise Measurements
Fashioned emeralds come in a wide range of sizes. There are emeralds in museums and private collections that weigh hundreds of carats. At the other extreme are tiny emeralds that weigh fractions of a carat. Quality-for-quality, the price of emerald can rise dramatically as the size increases.

Emerald Quality Factors: The Comprehensive Guide
Questions & Answers
Does GIA grade emerald?
GIA evaluates emerald but does not grade it. A GIA Colored Stone Identification & Origin Report assesses the characteristics of an emerald (weight, measurements, shape, cutting style and color), indicates whether it is natural or laboratory-grown and names any detectable treatments, and can issue an opinion on geographic origin, when possible and requested by the client.
Are emeralds from Colombia worth more?
Every mine produces a wide range of quality. For gems of exceptional quality, an independent determination of origin from a respected laboratory like GIA adds to its provenance, as does a rich history, such as that of the Colombian emerald region.
How much is my emerald worth?
Emerald value can range from a few dollars to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars per carat, depending on quality.
Can I buy an untreated emerald?
Yes. The GIA Colored Stone Identification Report or Colored Stone Identification & Origin Report will confirm whether or not an emerald has been treated.
Does the type of filler in an emerald’s fractures matter?
Since an emerald could have been filled several times with different substances, GIA does not identify the filling material. GIA Emerald Reports do quantify the amount of filling material present.
What is a “created” emerald?
Laboratory-grown emeralds are generally marketed with the name of the company and the word “created” rather than “synthetic.” The Federal Trade Commission Jewelry Guides permit the terms “laboratory-grown,” “laboratory-created” or “[manufacturer name]-created” to describe man-made materials.
Find out more
Emerald: Questions & AnswersCaring for Your Emerald
Keep your emerald beautiful by following simple care and cleaning guidelines.

Heat, light, and chemicals can damage the materials used to fill surface-reaching fractures.

Care and Cleaning
Warm soapy water is always safe.

Most emeralds contain filled fractures; it’s risky to clean them ultrasonically or with steam.