Buyer's Guide
Ametrine is a bicolor gem that’s highly prized when it displays an attractive balance between its most desirable amethyst and citrine shades.
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Verify the information on your report matches what is archived in the GIA report database.
What To Look For
Ametrine Clarity
Most gem-quality ametrines do not have eye-visible inclusions.

Ametrine Quality Factors: The Comprehensive Guide
Questions & Answers
What is AAA-quality ametrine?
Although individual companies might create their own quality descriptions, no standardized quality-grading scales exist for ametrine.
Does GIA offer reports for ametrine?
GIA offers a Colored Stone Identification Report for ametrine, but it is not commonly requested – except for a gem of significant value – because of the cost of the report compared to the value of most ametrine.
Is there really only one source for ametrine?
Although small, non-commercial deposits of ametrine have been found in other places, Bolivia is the only commercial source of the gem.
Find out more
Questions & AnswersCaring for Your Ametrine
Keep your ametrine beautiful by following simple care and cleaning guidelines.

Ametrine is durable enough for most jewelry types, but might need repolishing over time.

Care and Cleaning
Warm, soapy water is always safe for cleaning ametrine.

Ametrine is rarely treated, but might have filled fractures.